Personal Information

 Assistant Professor

Department of  Chemistry

Faculty of Sciences

Contact Information

Phone: 6402000 Ext. 26546


Taghreed Muhammad Fagieh

 Assistant Professor



  • 2008

    Master degree from Analytical ChemistryFaculty of Science, Loughborough University, لفبرا, بريطانيا

  • 2017

    Doctorate degree from Analytical ChemistrySchool of Science, Loughborough, Loughborough, بريطانيا

  • 2017

    Doctorate degree from Chemistry DepartmentSchool of Science, Loughborough, لفبرة, بريطانيا


  • 2001-2006

    adminstrator, Faculty of Medicine, جدة, المملكة العربية السعودية

Research Interests

Interested in trace biological elements such as Zn and Cu in biological samples (vitro and vivo) as they act as cofactors of important antioxidant enzymes like Zn, Cu- superoxide dismutase which have the role to protect human cells against oxidative stress. 

Scientific interests

I'm interested in elemental analysis of biological samples by applying ICP-MS and LA-ICP-MS.


Chemistry 281 Chem
applied chemistry 390 Chem
Quantitative Analysis 211 Chem
Instrumental analysis 312 CHEM
Chromatography 313 CHEM

Areas of expertise

Cell Culture, Elemental Analysis, Laser Ablation, Biological Samples
Cell culture and elemental analysis